Brand Guidelines and Mark/Logo Kits

Council for Global Citizenship Education member institutions share a commitment to advance global citizenship education towards shaping active and engaged global citizens and leaders — of today and tomorrow. Member schools use the Council for Global Citizenship Education Mark, LEAGUE SCHOOL Mark, 100 Acts of Global Citizenship Mark, Global Citizenship Club Mark, Global Citizenship Foundation Ribbon Mark, Global Citizenship Value Ribbon Mark, Global Citizenship Impact Ribbon Mark, Global Citizenship Leader Ribbon Mark, (Collectively referred to as the 'Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives') as a symbol of their shared commitment and collective pride. The member institutions have the privilege of using the 'Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' as per the terms and conditions laid out for each of the mark/logo.
Below are the general guidelines which institutions, organizations and individuals using them should follow. The general and specific guidelines bring together all the components you need to communicate the Global Citizenship Foundation brand. They establish guidance for visual and written communications, with built-in flexibility to highlight your college’s, school’s or unit’s unique value proposition and differentiation.
The 'Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' must only be used by an institution/organization that has been granted permission/authorization by the Global Citizenship Foundation.
The 'Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' can be used (as a small image) on the school website, letterhead, prospectus, newsletter and other school publications and stationery during the period of membership and/or for the duration of authorized use as per the terms and conditions.
The 'Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' should not in any way appear at the footer of the letter and not at the top – when the CGCED Logo/Mark is used on a schools’ letterhead.
The 'Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' should be smaller than the school name/Logo/Mark and cannot be displayed before the school name/Logo/Mark.
The 'Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' must not be used on materials, or in conjunction with any projects, that might damage the reputation of the Global Citizenship Foundation.
The 'Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' can be resized but must not be modified in any other way. Please do not remove any part of the 'Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' or add anything to them and do not change the membership period, color, layout or font. The 'Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' cannot be distorted and elements of the 'Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' cannot be put together differently.
Only authorized member schools who have achieved a minimum of 50 medals of honor may use the LEAGUE SCHOOL Mark. All other member institutions use the Council for GCED logo. Observers may use the designated Observer Institution Logo.
Please don't modify the marks or use them in a confusing way, including suggesting sponsorship or endorsement by Global Citizenship Foundation, or in a way that confuses GCF with another brand (including your own).
Please don't use any logos or similar imagery to represent Global Citizenship Foundation other than what is found in the Global Citizenship Foundation Brand Folder
Please don't rotate the GCF Glyph or alter its positioning in relation to the Global Citizenship Foundation's name.
Please don't change the colors on the glyph.
Please don't overprint or obstruct any part of the logo
Please don't add special effects to the logo
Please don't use old versions or any other marks or logos to represent our brand.
Do not use the Global Citizenship Foundation or any of its initiatives' name, the logos, or any other confusingly similar marks on any apparel, product, toy, or any other merchandise without prior written permission from the Global Citizenship Foundation.
Our logo symbolizes and summarizes what we stand for. It represents the individuality and distinctiveness of our organization. We foster "thinking and acting both global and local at the same time". The Global Citizenship Foundation (GCF) logo consists of the Global Citizenship Glyph (World map with a Fingerprint in the backdrop), the Global Citizenship Foundation name, and the phrase "leaders for active global citizenship" with the letter 'b' in 'global' stroked and the inclusion of a 'c' above 'b'.
All Marks/Logos of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' come in three versions:
1. Standard Logo (Colored Version)
The standard (colored) version of the 'Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' can ONLY be used on a white background. If you are using the 'Logos/Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' on any other background color, use either the black or white monochrome logos.
When using the 'Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' with other logos and graphic elements, maintain a safe space as per the Brand Style and Usage Kit.
2. Dark Logo (Monochrome Version For Light Backgrounds)
The Dark (black monochrome) version of the 'Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' can ONLY be used on light backgrounds (other than white background). If you are using the 'Logos/Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' on any other background color, use either the light (white monochrome) or standard logos.
3. Light Logo (Monochrome Version For Dark Backgrounds)
The Light (white monochrome) version of the 'Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' can ONLY be used on dark backgrounds. If you are using the 'Logos/Marks of the Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' on any other background color, use either the dark (black monochrome) or standard logos.
These examples show the correct application of the 'Marks/Logos of Global Citizenship Foundation and its initiatives' on different solid backgrounds. Do not place the Global Citizenship Foundation logo over background colors that clash. If in doubt, use monochrome!

Do not use the Standard Logo (Full-Color Version) on any tinted background.
Do not use the Monochrome Dark Logo (Black Version) on any dark background .
Do not use the Monochrome Light Logo (White Version) on any light background.

Use the Standard Logo (Full-Color Version)
only on white background.
Use the Monochrome Light Logo (White Version) only on dark backgrounds.
Use the Monochrome Dark Logo (Black Version) only on light backgrounds.
If you require any other format, please reach out to us. Each logo kit contains three versions of the logo. (Standard, Light & Dark)

Who can use the 'Council for Global Citizenship Education' Logo Kit?
If you are member institution/organization, you may include the 'Council for GCED' logo (as a small image) on the school website, letterhead, prospectus, newsletter, and other school publications and stationery as per the specific guidelines. As a proud member, you may also display the 'Council for GCED' flag at your institution.

Who can use the 'The Global Citizenship Foundation Ribbon' Logo Kit?
You may display this recognition if your institution has received the Global Citizenship Foundation Ribbon Certificate. This mark can be used (as a small image) on the school website, letterhead, prospectus, newsletter and other school publications and stationery as per the specific guidelines. You may also display this ribbon logo prominently within the school premises.

Who can use the '100 Acts of Global Citizenship' Challenge Logo Kit?
You may use the 100 Acts of Global Citizenship logo kit if you have registered your institution to participate in the annual school Challenge. The logo can be used (as a small image) on the school website, letterhead, prospectus, newsletter and other school publications and stationery and in addition, you may use the 100 Acts flag as per the specific guidelines.

Who can use the 'Global Citizenship Club' Logo Kit?
If your institution is ready to organize the Global Citizenship Festival at the end of the 100 Acts of Global Citizenship Challenge at your institution, you may formally establish a Global Citizenship Club and use the logo (as a small image) on the school website, letterhead, prospectus, newsletter and other school publications, stationery and in addition, you may use the Global Citizenship Club branding as per the specific guidelines.

Who can use the 'League School' Logo Kit?
If your institution has achieved a minimum of 50 medals of honor, you are authorized to use the 'League School' Mark (as a small image) on the school website, letterhead, prospectus, newsletter and other school publications, stationery and in addition, you may use the League School Flag as per the specific guidelines.
If you have questions regarding the Global Citizenship Foundation brand or guidelines, please email info@globalcitizenshipfoundation.org