GCED — Our Theory of Change
A theory of change explains how change happens, and how interventions can shape that change.
Our theory of change is based on five outcomes that are interlinked and underpins the delivery of our GCED strategy, initiatives, and interventions. It sets out how we develop propositions that improve the efficacy of our interventions, generate evidence and build capacity in order to drive change in policy and practice.
Our Theory of Change has three elements:
Activities ​
Outcome 1
Development of fundamental knowledge of GCED, as educators are at different levels of readiness and will respond with different depths of engagement.
Educators understand fostering Global Citizenship Education (GCED) themes as an integral part of their professional responsibilities.
Educators are committed to GCED as an integral part of good teaching and learning.
Educators and School Leaders are more confident and skilled in global citizenship education (GCED).
Orientation of Teachers and School Leaders on Global Citizenship Education.
Training of Teachers to effectively use the GCED Innovative Schools Toolkit
Well-designed Capacity Building Program for Teachers and School Leaders on Global Citizenship Education including compatible pedagogies and practices through the GCED Teacher Fellowship.
Outcome 2
The more confident and skilled educators are, the more empowered they are to foster effective GCED pedagogy and practice.
Educators integrate the best practices of GCED across their curricular planning.
Confident and skilled GCED educators influence other members of the staff in their schools.
Confident and skilled GCED educators share and network across schools.
Educators develop positive disposition towards updation of approaches through literature and professional learning; updation and enhancement of understanding of themes and issues of GCED; ongoing assessment and reflection of impact and their interventions through discourse and reflection.
Effective teaching and learning of GCED in the classroom.
Outcome 3
Effective GCED pedagogy and practice will result in enhancement of learner’s Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, and Values (Key Attributes of GCED's Three Domains of Learning).
[As the key attributes of GCED overlap with and contribute to key elements of Quality Education (SDG 4), transformative potential of education is unleashed.]
GCED embedded in school leadership, planning, and whole school activities that reflect and foster GCED attributes.
Learners develop key attributes of GCED.
Global-mindedness, global competence and global citizenship attributes of learners are enhanced shaping successful learners and confident individuals who are active, engaged, reflective and empowered global citizens and leaders of today and tomorrow.
Outcome 4
Learners with stronger global-mindedness, global competence and global citizenship attributes are more likely to discuss and take responsible actions on both local and global issues/challenges.
Learners become more global-minded through engaging in design, discovery, exploration, experience and reflection on global and local issues/challenges.
Learners have better understanding of levers of power and how to effect change.
Learners make lifestyle choices and other decisions taking into account global and local issues and challenges.
Learners take action on global and local issues and challenges.
Parents become more aware of global and local issues and challenges.
School/community links in relation to global and local issues become strengthened.
Outcome 5
Teachers, students, alumni, young people, parents and communities that are more global-minded and well informed about global and local issues/challenges are more supportive of and active in reducing inequalities and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Education is more rooted in real contexts, empowering and skilling a generation of problem solvers and social entrepreneurs.
Future-ready GCED Innovative School.
Enhanced public awareness, support, and action for reducing inequalities and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.