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Event Description
The COVID-19 crisis is unprecedented and has forced schools into closure across the world. UNESCO has been tracking the impact of the pandemic on education. As of May 25, UNESCO estimates that 69 percent of the world’s 1.5 billion learners—have been affected by school closures. At its peak in April, around 90.1 percent of learners had been impacted worldwide.
For a while now, educators around the world have been talking about the need to rethink how we educate future generations. While we are aware that the overall impact of this virus on our lives can be far-reaching, we attempt to explore — what its impact will be on 21st century skills and what it means for the future of education? Will this disruption get us all to rethink how we educate, and question what we need to teach and what we are preparing our students for?
The panel discussion will also reflect on how this disruptive crisis can help us define what learning should look like for Generations Z, Alpha and beyond.
Panel Moderator

Aaryan Salman
Global Citizenship Foundation

Dr. Ashok K Pandey
Council for Global Citizenship Education

David Hughes
Draig Community Enterprises, UK

Dr. Manjula Raman
Group CEO
Royal Concorde International Schools, India

Dr. Tony Devine
International Vice President (Education)
Global Peace Foundation, USA
About the Online Educational Leadership Forum

Online Education Leadership Forum is hosted by the Council for Global Citizenship Education under the auspices of the Global Citizenship Foundation.
The Online Education Leadership Forum (OELF), is a community of practice and a platform that brings together educators and school leaders to discover, discuss, shape, empower, influence and advance the discourse on— and be a springboard aiding action towards— transforming education for human flourishing.
#OELF sessions, webinars, and panel discussions are led by leading practitioners, researchers, experts, and inspiring leaders.